Friday, November 16, 2007

On signature petition: GMA resign

By Bobbit Mariano
After reading the banner headline of Inquirer 'GMA solons go for Kill' monday issue 11/13 (meaning majority of congressmen dumped the impeachment complaint filed against President Arroyo because of alleged irregularities) I was truly dismayed. In the first place, how on earth the President will be impeached when the House leadership is allied with Malacanang? The so-called check and balance of powers between the legislative and executive branch of government is not in place. Who will act as watchdog? Yes, we have the Supreme Court who do its share. The Churches? who are still confined inside their building (with the exemption of PJM) Where is the watchdog? who will continue to bark on the series of scam. Those who write for this blogs and sign their petition are the true 'watchdog' The media who bent to do their share are the watchdog too, when the ZTE broadband deal was exposed I was reminded of the 'Watergate Scandal' as extensively written by The Washington Post thru their Reporter Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. The scandal led to the resignation of Richard Nixon (Republican). The Post also revealed the immense scope of crimes and abuses, which included campaign fraud, political espionage and sabotage, illegal break-ins, wiretapping on a massive scale, including the wiretapping of the press and American citizens, and a secret slush fund laundered in Mexico to pay those who conducted these operations carried out Nixon staff. (or such irregularities allegedly carried out by Arroyo's staff; hello Garci, ZTE etc.). This blogs will act as the counterpart of The Washington Post with the help of other newspaper. Surely, President Arroyo knew the case of former President Nixon and she doesn't want to experience the same fate. Only a great 'Dictator' has the guts to say 'I don't want to.'

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